Here start our noob story....
Saturday, January 31, 2009.11:00 AM
Let me start first.....
Once upon a a village where never have day but only have night.....
So in the night the village always covered with mist and only errrr.....a few family livin' there (livin' on a prayer...)
The head of the village is an old man....very handsome but old....hehe, his wife died ald due to unknown disease and has a son also very handsome and very young almost like 20 something.
The handsome old man has a wise mind and is a expert in spelling magic. He has a very long white beard and like to drinks alcohol a lot...especially one alcohol mixed with the paw of a tiger which the villager named it as The great TIGER beer. While his son has a pair of charming big eyes (Wahahaha....) and a little bit of beard ( hu zha). His son is a hunter and really great in archery.....but he not good in magic spell ( he always spell magic as megik...) because his father nvr teach him.....
(to be continue....)
This comic i like the most....
.10:53 AM
Talk bout this comic.....
It is the favourite of all, coz i think that.....( sobbing~~)
Friendship really the most important treasure that we had.....
Yes just learn to appreciate the firndship that u have......
speach out something here
.10:43 AM
kody: (sorry for my broken english...hehe)happy chinese new year,wuhuu~~(few seconds later) sian.hey,i donno say wat la.u say la.
.10:24 AM
都忘记了。 :p
当年,真是开心的日子啊~(老年人回忆中。) (=_=)